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Pasak LRT žurnalisto Mindaugo Aušros, tas faktas, kad egzistuoja dietų industrija, rodo, jog jos yra neveiksmingos. Přesto jste v případě Šárky Grossové spojila přátelství s obchodem. Keliant ir stumiant judesius, kuriuos atliekate rinkdami viską, ko reikia parduotuvėje, dirbate ant pečių ir šerdies. Even if for a long time he was only a kamarad. Tai paaiškinama esant maistinėms nesuvirškinamoms skaiduloms, kartu su kuriomis organizmas atsikrato ir kalorijų. Sveiko svorio metimo patarimai pačiu tai yra pats geriausias būdas gerinti, tobulinti jūsų sveikatą.

The Czech language has three commonly used terms, all of which may be rendered in English as friend, namely přítel, kamarád and známý. Welcome to Scribd! Declutter ir numesti svorio peter walsh analysis also incorporates some comparable examples from Lithuanian sources.

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Key-words: friends, familiarity, lonely hearts, translation, Czech, Lithuanian, English. Mám čtyři děti. Mám rodiče, ještě i prarodiče a tři opravdu dobré přátele. To je vše, co potřebuju. Raději mám tři opravdu dobré kamarády než 20 jen dobrých.

Přesto jste v případě Šárky Grossové spojila přátelství s obchodem.

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Nemůžete si tím své kamarádství zkazit? Nonetheless, in the case of Šárka Grossová you combined friendship přátelství with business. Aby věděli, já jsem teď politik a nesmím se s nikým kamarádit. Pokud s těmito lidmi přátelíte, můžete tušit, že to může být problém. If you are friends přátelíte with these people then you can expect problems. Hana Marvanová in Story no.

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Further evidence of a difference in the Czech and English perceptions of friendship is provided by Adamec in a newspaper column entitled Je víc kamarád nebo přítel? The analysis and search for pragmatic equivalents in translation will be based on British English. Bilingual Czech-English dictionaries indicate that kamarád, in addition to friend, also covers mate and pal; it is doubtful, however, whether using pal or mate for kamarád in extract 4a above would aid comprehension since there is persuasive evidence to suggest English native speakers do not necessarily differentiate between friend on the one hand and pal or mate on the other.

Most of our pals fall by the wayside as partners, kids, marriage, divorce, emigration, general laziness and, sadly, even death take their toll. But true friendship endures.

Only two of my best mates live in the same city as me — and one is in New York. The same could be said of similar informal terms for friend such as chum and the mainly American buddy.

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Thus, to translate Je víc kamarád, nebo přítel? A further problem would also arise of how then to render in English the Czech kámoš -kaan informal derivative of kamarád -ka. As a starting point for analysis of the lexical items available to Czech native speakers, one would suggest the key to the Marvanová quote in 4a lies in the Czech perception of friendship having three svorio netekimas santa clarita of development: známost—kamarádství—přátelství. The people involved in these relationships are známý—kamarád—přítel, the corresponding feminine forms declutter ir numesti svorio peter walsh známá—kamarádka—přítelkyně.

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Here an analogy may be drawn with Lithuanian, which has pažintis—draugystė—bičiulystė, then pažįstamas -a —draugas -ė —bičiulis -ė. In other words, formally equivalent counterparts found in bilingual dictionaries are not always pragmatically appropriate in translation for some further examples of this see Odlin, Hence a person one trusts implicitly and is confident will always be prepared selflessly to help in a crisis is a přítel.

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This is indicated by the proverb A friend in need is a friend indeed, whose Czech translation reads V nouzi poznáš přítele literally: In need you will recognise a friend. During the course of the research, 53 Czechs of varying ages between 18 and 45 were questioned on how they would explain the přítel-kamarád distinction to a native English speaker studying Czech. For the record, the remaining 12 respondents, all between the age of 18 and 25, emphasised first and foremost the sexual relationship aspect of přítel-kyně; this will be discussed in more detail below.

The Czech text below, for example, is taken from a blog and reproduced here as it appeared on the website, without diacritics. In the English translation, the terms kamárad and přítel will be naturalised, as it were. Mozna bych mel napsat: mam jednoho pritele. On je totiz opravdu velky rozdil mezi temito dvema slovy.

Kamaradu mam totiz spousty.

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Ten opravdovy pritel je ale jen jeden. Dlouho se hleda, ale kdyz ho jednou najdete, byva to na cely zivot.

Kamaradi prichazi a zase mizi, on ale jde celym mym zivotem. A pritom to byl dlouhou dobu jen kamarad. Postupem casu se ale kamaradstvi zmenilo v pratelstvi. V opravdove pratelstvi. A to zustava.

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There is a really big difference between these two words. The fact is I have plenty of kamarads. Kamarads come and go but he [the přítel] is with me all my life.

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Even if for a long time he was only a kamarad. But in the course of time kamaradstvi turned into pratelstvi. Into real friendship. And that remains. With this in mind, namely the idea that a kamarád can subsequently become a přítel, one might suggest the following English translation of the Marvanová quotation in 4a : 4c I choose people I like being with according to their nature.

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This admittedly involves an ad hoc rendering of kamarádi but such is the nature of the differentiation in Czech usage that no one-to-one English equivalent can be found which would be appropriate or even meaningful in all contexts. A further factor to be considered is the sociolinguistic svorio metimas montgomery ny ir numesti svorio peter walsh. Mūsų vaikų gyvenimas susietas su tiksinčia bomba, kuri aptinkama mokyklose, vaikų darželiuose, namuose, miegamuosiuose, svetainėse - visose pastogėse - ir lengvai pasiekiama ištisą parą.

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The Czech term There are, of course, other factors to be considered svorio metimas montgomery ny, such as the T-V pronoun distinction expressed in Czech via the verb endings : Maurice uses the polite form to Mr Weaver and the familiar form to Arthur. Such considerations, however, take us beyond svorio metimas montgomery ny scope of the current paper.